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Sitecore XP 10.0 Update 1 and SXA 10.0.0 Demo – Lighthouse – Setup Guide

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You’re a Sitecore developer and want to know how to implement the website(s) using Sitecore Experience Accelerator 10.0.0 (aka SXA 10.0.0) on Sitecore Experience Platform 10.0 Update 1 (aka Sitecore XP 10.0.1) and following Helix principles.

If that is the case, you should set up the Sitecore demo – Lighthouse – on your machine so that you’re able to play around with the Sitecore solution example and then learn something.

Note 1: it can only be deployed inside Docker containers

Note 2: this one is a summary of my own experience and is mainly based on the installation of previous version: Sitecore XP 10.0 and SXA 10.0 Demo – Lighthouse – Setup Guide


  • Windows 1809 or higher
  • >= 16 Gb of memory
  • Sitecore 10 license file located at C:licenselicense.xml
  • the latest Docker Desktop

Step-by-step Guide

  1. ensure to set up your docker environment by following
  2. ensure the Windows Docker engine experimental features are enabled (to allow the Linux smtp container to run at the same time as the Windows containers)
    • open Docker Desktop and then select Settings => Docker Engine
    • ensure the value of the “experimental” key is set to true
    • Docker Engine experimental value set to 'True' for SC10.01
    • (optional)ensure the value of the “dns” key is set to [“”] if any
    • click Apply & Restart button
    • DNS set to for SC10.01
  3. to avoid any conflicts, we should ensure the following ports are not being used by another process: 443, 8079, 8081, 8984, and 14330
    • stop IIS
      • Stopping IIS server for SC10.01
    • stop windows services if any
    • quit Skype for sure
  4. download or clone the git repo from Sitecore Demo Platform 10.0.1to D:ProjectsSitecore.Demo.Platform
  5. create certificates and initialize the environment file
    • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • change directory to D:ProjectsSitecore.Demo.Platform
    • execute .init.ps1 -InitEnv -LicenseXmlPath C:licenselicense.xml -AdminPassword b
    • Adding hosts file and populating .env files for SC10.01
  6. pull the latest demo docker images
    • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • change directory to D:ProjectsSitecore.Demo.Platform
    • execute docker-compose pull
    • Pulling Sitecore components for SC10.0
    • Pulling components done for SC10.0
  7. let’s spin up the container-based demo instances
    • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • change directory to D:ProjectsSitecore.Demo.Platform
    • execute docker-compose up -d
    • hopefully will see something like this after a loooooooooooog operation
    • Creating components for SC10.0
  8. open a browser, navigate to https://cd.lighthouse.localhost/, we would see the Lighthouse landing page with a full-width carouseland a valid SSL certificate
    • Lighthouse is secured for SC10.01
  9. open a browser, navigate to https://cm.lighthouse.localhost/sitecore, we should be able to login with the admin user and b password (by default, they’re provided in Step 5)
    • Connection is secured and certificate is valid for SC10.01
    • don’t forget to verify the Sitecore version
    • Sitecore.Net 10.0.1 version
  10. open a browser, navigate to, we should the SMTP container catch-all mailbox for all emails sent by Email eXperience Manager (aka EXM)
    • Receiving all emails on port 25


  1. for stopping the demo without losing the changes
    • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • change directory to D:ProjectsSitecore.Demo.Platform
    • execute docker-compose stop
    • Stopping components done for SC10.0
    • start the demo again by executing docker-compose start
    • Starting components for SC10.0
  2. for data cleanup
    • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • change directory to D:ProjectsSitecore.Demo.Platform
    • execute docker-compose down
    • execute .CleanDockerData
    • Stopping and removing components for SC10.0


Happy Sitecore Demo!

This article originally appeared on Walking on clouds (

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